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All Conscious Horse Conscious Rider Facilitators are also facilitators of Access Consciousness, trained in this special topic by Gary Douglas and Suzy Godsey. In the Conscious Horse Conscious Rider classes, you will create a new way of being by connecting with the inherent wisdom of horses.
Find a Conscious Horse Conscious Rider Facilitator close to you below.
There is a level of consciousness that the horses have, where they can give to us in a way that we haven’t even begun to imagine. Something far greater than anything that anyone has ever been able to speak about.
Gary M. Douglas
All Conscious Horse Conscious Rider Facilitators are also facilitators of Access Consciousness, trained in this special topic by Gary Douglas and Suzy Godsey. In the Conscious Horse Conscious Rider classes, you will create a new way of being by connecting with the inherent wisdom of horses.
Find a Conscious Horse Conscious Rider Facilitator close to you below.
There is a level of consciousness that the horses have, where they can give to us in a way that we haven’t even begun to imagine. Something far greater than anything that anyone has ever been able to speak about.
Gary M. Douglas
Facilitators: {{totalCountFormatted}}
Name | Country | City/State | Certification | Profile | Class | |
{{facilitator.Country}} | {{facilitator.StateName ? facilitator.StateName : facilitator.City}} | {{ !certification.Abbreviation ? certification.Name : certification.Abbreviation}}, | {{facilitator.ScheduledClassCount}} |
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