Leticia Rodriguez Gutierrez

Leticia Rodriguez Gutierrez

Aloha! E Komo Mai 

Hi and Welcome! I am honored that you are here curious, looking to expand and learn more about what the universe has to offer. 

I worked as a Behavioral Health Specialist for nine years for the Department of Defense in the United States. Inspired by my work in the Behavioral Health field, I got certified as a Trauma-Sensitive Yoga Instructor. I learned about Access Bars in May 2022. Today, I am thankful that I listened to my intuition and curiosity and welcomed Access Consciousness into my life. It has been life-changing. 

I live on the Island of O'ahu, where I offer Access Bars sessions, Certification,Energetic Facelift Sessions, and Body Processes. I also offer Access Consciousness Inspired workshops. I would love to connect and expand.


I am looking forward to contributing to your life and you to mine! 


*I speak Spanish, English, and Brazilian Portuguese.

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“I'm doing the best I can with the tools I have.”

- Anonymous


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Access Bars Koulutus

Access Bars on Access Conciousnessin ydin ja perusta. Se voi olla suurenmoisen seikkailun alku ja se voi olla jotain, mitä voit lisätä elämääsi luodaksesi helppoutta kaikkeen. Barsit ovat 32 tankoa päässäsi, jotka ovat yhdistyneet erilaisiin asioihin elämässäsi. Kosketa yhtä tankoa, ja puhdistat kyseiseen tankoon liittyvät lukkiutuneet energiat pelkällä kosketuksella.