Brooke Pilkington

Brooke Pilkington

Are you ready to release limiting beliefs & patterns of disease from your life? YOU are invited to experience a nurturing, transformative space with me where you can create your health and living beyond what you've imagined possible.  Lets play!

I love sharing tools for stress reduction, time managment & burnout prevention.  I'm an Access Facilitator, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Birth Doula, Yoga & somatics coach and I offer one-on-one session & classes in Northern California, on-line and around the world. Ask me about setting up a class or event with your business or in your community. Is now the time for something different? 

I facilitate change all over the world... The United States, Hawaii, Mexico, Costa Rica, Peru, Australia, Europe, Africa, Asia... Check out my current class listings below... how much change are you ready to choose? 



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Date Event Facilitator Host Location Medium
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{{occurrence.City}}, {{occurrence.State}}, {{occurrence.Country}}

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Access Bars Koulutus

Access Bars on Access Conciousnessin ydin ja perusta. Se voi olla suurenmoisen seikkailun alku ja se voi olla jotain, mitä voit lisätä elämääsi luodaksesi helppoutta kaikkeen. Barsit ovat 32 tankoa päässäsi, jotka ovat yhdistyneet erilaisiin asioihin elämässäsi. Kosketa yhtä tankoa, ja puhdistat kyseiseen tankoon liittyvät lukkiutuneet energiat pelkällä kosketuksella.