Huom! Jotkin sivut ovat saatavilla ainoastaan englanniksi.
Houston has two main airports:
More information on Houston airports.
More information: Houston's Official Visitor Guide
The currency of the United States is the US Dollar.
The currency code is USD and the symbol $.
Convert currency at your bank, or at the airport before leaving or upon arrival.
Check current exchange rates at Xe Currency Exchange currency converter.
ATMs are widely available to withdraw cash. Please note exchange rates may be higher when using ATMs.
Credit cards are widely accepted.
*For ease of payment, please let your credit card companies know where and when you will be traveling.
If you require a visa invitation, email Customer Service
They will require the following information:
Passport name
Passport number
Phone number
Class dates
Approximate travel dates
Hyatt Regency (Downtown Houston)
1200 Louisiana St
Houston, TX 77002
Abuse Hold Class- with Grace Douglas
Friday December 6, evening of Day 1
6:30 - 9:30 pm
When you've been abused, you lock that in your body.
This is a class for your body.
It allows your body to release, to relax and to have a sense of peace.
Houston is a large metropolis in Texas, extending to Galveston Bay. The city’s relatively compact Downtown includes the Theater District, home to the renowned Houston Grand Opera, and the Historic District, with 19th-century architecture and upscale restaurants. Uptown includes the famous Galleria Mall.
Would you like to upgrade your experience in this class?
Enjoy front-row seating and VIP registration by joining the Creative Edge of Consciousness.
The latest and greatest from Access Consciousness® founder Gary Douglas, Dr. Dain Heer and Simone Milasas, including a live teleclass each month and unpredictable surprises from anywhere at any time.
*Creative Edge membership is available in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Russian.
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