Access Energetic Facelift

The Access Energetic Facelift is a wonderful way to rejuvenate the face and reverse the signs of aging on the face and throughout the entire body. 

The gentle soothing touch applied to your face and neck works with your body’s cells to restore, enliven and rejuvenate.

People have reported changes in the following:

  • The light and luminosity of the face
  • Elasticity of the skin
  • Clarity of the eyes
  • Glow in the hair
  • Lifting of breasts and buttocks
  • Improved energy
  • Increased relaxation

What occurs during class?

This class is a one-day, hands-on class in which participants learn the Access Energetic Facelift and participate in gifting two sessions and receiving two sessions.

During this class, you will work with the energies in the body and face, and while applying these, discover what can be released.

Once we get rid of the judgments we project at our faces and bodies daily in the mirror, our body has the space to regenerate itself.

What else is possible?

Learn the Access Energetic Facelift with a friend or two so you can gift and receive the benefits of this dynamic process on a weekly basis.

The Access Energetic Facelift can also be a brilliant addition to any business where you work with clients and their bodies – beauty, wellness, massage, and more. Expand your clientele and range of services offered.

You can ask any question during the class! Each class is co-created with everyone who chooses to come to that particular class.




One day


Global pricing, Repeat pricing and Age pricing applies.
Your individual and applied pricing can be seen under Billing & Payments after registering.

Access Energetic Facelift mit Fevi in Zürich


Wusstest du, dass all deine Ansichten und Urteile sich mit der Zeit in deinem Gesicht als Linien, Falten und andere Alterserscheinungen zeigen?

Nicht nur dort, sondern auch in den Zellen deines restlichen Körpers ihr unswesen treiben?

Was, wenn du das alles löschen könntest und wieder jünger und vitaler aussehen und SEIN könntest?
Genau das ermöglichen die Access Energetic Facelift Behandlungen.
An diesem zweiten Tag lernst du diese Sessions zu geben und zu empfangen.

Ich freue mich, dich an diesem magischen, entspannenden und energtisch aufladenem Tag willkommen zu heissen!

Mit viel zu viel Freude,

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