Abuse Hold

This is a class for your body. It allows your body to release, to relax and to have a sense of peace.

When you've been abused, whether it's mental, physical, emotional, monetary or any other form, you lock that in your body and try to hold it away from yourself and the rest of the world. In that process, you're prepared for the next abuse delivered at you. Literally, you rigidize and stress your body to always be on-alert.

This class is only facilitated by founder, Gary Douglas or his daughter Grace. You will learn the Abuse Hold and as a practitioner, may offer it to your clients.


  • Listen to the Pre-Abuse Hold Clearings Jul-23 - 22 times or have attended Changing the Issues of Abuse with Gary, Dain and Grace from 2023
  • Attend an Access 3-Day Body Class
  • Attend a Choice for Possibilities (CFP) class within past 24 months
  • Attend a Choice for Possibilities (CFP) at anytime and attend an advanced class within the past 24 months

An advanced class is any class or telecall 3 days or more with Dr. Dain Heer or Gary Douglas or a Choice for Possibilities class with any facilitator.


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