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Explore what is changing the lives of tens of thousands of people in more than 170 countries around the world.
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Read news articles, watch videos, listen to pods and radio shows – you can find Access Consciousness in many media channels!
There are thousands of Access Consciousness events and classes offered weekly around the world. You can search for a class by topic, facilitator, language or location in our class calendar.
Gary Douglas travels extensively facilitating advanced Access Consciousness classes as well as a range of evening and several day workshops on specific topics from choice and possibilities to money, benevolent capitalism, relationships and more.
Dr. Dain Heer offers classes on a wide array of topics through out the world and is best known for his transformation process The Energetic Synthesis of Being as well as the Being You, Changing the World events.
Simone Milasas travels extensively facilitating advanced Access Consciousness classes as well as a range of evening and several day workshops on specific topics from choice and possibilities to Relationship Done Different, Business Done Different, Getting Out of Debt Joyfully and more.
The Access Bars are the very core and foundation of Access Consciousness. It can be the starting point of a great adventure and it can be something you add to your life that will assist you in creating a greater ease with everything.
Dr. Dain Heer offers classes on a wide array of topics through out the world and is well known for his Being You, Changing the World events, based on his bestselling Being You, Changing the World book.
Dr. Dain Heer offers classes on a wide array of topics through out the world and is best known for his transformation process The Energetic Synthesis of Being (ESB).
The Access Special Classes are branches of Access Consciousness where you can dive deeper into particular topics with specialized facilitators. Each program offer introductory classes, advanced classes and certification facilitator training.
Access Consciousness have many ways of engaging with the tools worldwide via expos, meet ups, radio shows, tele summits, google hangouts and more.
Are you looking for more change? There are over 13,000 facilitators and practitioners available in more than 173 countries.
Find a facilitator or practitioner near you!
Find an article on almost any topic you could think of! Where would you like your adventure to begin?
This is a membership with a monthly call per and an energetic exercice call every 2 months reserved for participants who have done a TTTE Beginning class.
Monthly call - 60/90 min around a subject/chapter of the TTTE manual. Participants will be able to ask questions, be facilitated and to continue to practice and use the TTTE tools.
Exercice call - 20/30 min of guided energy exercises of receiving and being with entities. Another way to exercise the tools and play with energies and entities.
The Entity Evolution Club is a possibility to choose to continue practicing the TTTE tools in an interactive, fun and long-term way in group with a TTTE facilitator!
Awareness of the spirit world is a muscle… will you choose to nurture it and develop your strength and abilities with the TTTE tools?
What abilities with entities do you have that only you have, that you could choose and develop?
TTTE Beginning class
Henkilökohtaiset ja sovelletetut hintasi näkyvät kohdassa ”Billing & Payments” (laskutus ja maksut) rekisteröinnin jälkeen.
*English after French
Club Entités Évolution Saison 2
Un Club pour des membres ayant déjà participé à une classe TTTE Le Commencement. Un abonnement mensuel avec 2 rendez-vous par mois !
La conscience du monde des esprits est un muscle… choisirez-vous de le nourrir et de développer votre force et vos capacités avec les outils TTTE ?
Il s'agit de revoir, pratiquer, partager et faciliter les outils de la classe TTTE Le Commencement ensemble de façon ludique, pratique et suivi! L'idée? DEVENIR les outils TTTE pour faciliter, changer et transformer les énergies et entités avec aisance totale!
Et si TOUT du monde des esprits pouvait vous venir avec Aisance, joie et gloire?
Quelles capacités avez-vous avec des entités que vous seul avez, que vous pourriez choisir et développer ?
Il y aura chaque mois un nouveau thème abordé avec :
-Un appel - 60/90 min autour d’un sujet spécifique sur les entités ou d’un chapitre du manuel TTTE Le Commencement. Les participants pourront poser des questions, recevoir une facilitation, continuer à pratiquer et s'entraîner ainsi à devenir les outils TTTE.
-Un deuxième tout les 2 mois - 20/30 min d’heures d'ouverture OU d'exercices énergétiques guidés de recevoir avec les entités.
Une autre façon d’exercer les outils et de jouer avec les énergies et les entités!
Le Club Entités Évolution est une possibilité de choisir de continuer à pratiquer les outils TTTE de manière interactive, ludique en groupe avec un facilitateur TTTE !
*Prérequis : 1 classe TTTE Le Commencement (à tout moment)
*Inclu: 2 appels par mois + Replay + groupe Telegram de suivi avec Angélique et les membres du Club.
*Participation : 90€ par mois (résiliable à tout moment) ou 990€ pour 12 mois (1 mois offert)
-En choisissant la formule, 990€ pour les 12 mois, vous aurez accès à tous les appels des mois précédents depuis novembre 2024 et pourrez participer en live jusqu’en Octobre 2025 inclus (Abonnement non annulable et non remboursable).
-En choisissant la formule mensuelle vous avez accès au sujet du mois et pourrez acheter individuellement les appels des mois précédents.
*Prix de répétition disponible pour les membres du Club Entités 2022 soit 63€ par mois ou 693€ l'année soit -30% ! Demandez le code via
*Classe en Français traduite en Anglais
*Prochaines dates:
-13 & 27 mars à 19h Sujet: Les Portails
Ce Club est une Spécialité TTTE crée par Angélique Bernard approuvée par Parler aux Entités®
Entity Evolution Club Season 2
A Club for members who have already participated in a TTTE Beginning class. A monthly subscription with 2 calls per month! Awareness of the spirit world is a muscle... will you choose to nourish it and develop your strength and abilities with the TTTE tools?
It's about reviewing, practicing, sharing and facilitating the tools of the TTTE Beginning class together in a fun, practical and follow-up way! The idea? BECOME TTTE tools to facilitate, change and transform energies and entities with total ease!
What if EVERYTHING from the spirit world could come to you with Ease, joy and glory?
What abilities do you have with entities that only you have, that you could choose and develop?
Each month there will be a new theme addressed with:
-A call - 60/90 min around a specific subject on entities or a topic of the TTTE Beginning manual. Participants will be able to ask questions, receive facilitation, continue practicing and thus train themselves to become the TTTE tools.
-A second call every 2 months- 20/30 min of opening hours OR guided energy exercises to receive with the entities.
Another way to exercise the tools and play with energies and entities!
The Entities Evolution Club is an opportunity to choose to continue practicing TTTE tools in an interactive, fun and empowering way in a group with a TTTE facilitator!
*Prerequisite: 1 TTTE The Beginning class (at any time)
*Included: 2 calls per month + Replay + follow-up Telegram group with Angélique and Club members.
*Participation: €90 per month (cancellable at any time) or €990 for 12 months (+1 month free)
*Upcoming dates:
-March 13 & 17 at 7pm CET : Portals
-By choosing the formula, €990 for 12 months, you will have access to all calls from previous months since November 2024 and will be able to participate live until October 2025 inclusive (Subscription non-cancelable and non-refundable).
-By choosing the monthly plan you have access to the subject of the month and can purchase calls from previous months individually.
*Class in French translated into English
This Club is a TTTE Specialty created by Angélique Bernard approved by Talk To The Entities®
Format: Teleclass
TTTE Beginning class
*Log in! A price advantage may apply.
In order to see your price in the world, you need to create an account or log into an existing one. You may be eligible for Access Consciousness class discounts based on your age, location or class history. Once logged in, the price can change based on your personal information. Follow the links below to log in or create a new account.
Initial Price: | EUR 90 |
Approximate Price: |
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