The Benevolent Capitalism Class

Benevolent capitalism is creative and generative and is not a political monetary system.

Benevolent capitalism is where you use your creative abilities and what you are uniquely great at. You create a diversity of possibilities, including money.

With benevolent capitalism, there is no need and no lack – only what will create greater for everyone.

Join Gary Douglas, Dr. Dain Heer, and Simone Milasas for this 3-day class LIVE at El Lugar.


The Foundation or Global Foundation

  • You must have completed the prerequisites above with any facilitator within 12 months from the start date of class.
  • OR The Foundation any time and an advanced class within 12 months.

    An advanced class is any class or telecall 3 days or more with Dr. Dain Heer or Gary Douglas or a Choice for Possibilities class with any facilitator.


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Kaikki hinnat sisältävät MP3-äänitteet koulutuksesta tai telepuhelusta.

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