Lisa Dunlop

Lisa Dunlop

Hello! My name is Lisa Dunlop. I am a native Calgarian, wife, mother and dynamic teacher. I love to engage with a variety of Access Consciousness tools - The Bars, Access Energetic Facelift, and powerful Body Processes!  Harnessing my passion for teaching and learning,  I am now facilitating Bars and Body Process classes, as well as hosting Canadian and International CFs in and around the Calgary Area!!!

Book a session with me at our beautiful, nurturing health clinic in SW Calgary. Access Bars and Body Process classes also offered for small groups.

Looking forward to supporting you in your journey! Feel free to reach out, if you have a special request!

Lisa Dunlop


Access Bars Practitioner and Facilitator 

Access Energetic Facelift Practitioner

Access Body Process Facilitator 


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Cursos próximos

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“"Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves."”

- James Barrie


Mis cursos

Clase de las Barras de Access

Las Barras de Access son el núcleo principal y la base de Access Consciousness. Pueden ser el punto de inicio de una gran aventura y pueden ser algo que añadas a tu vida que te ayudará a crear mayor facilidad con todo. Las Barras son 32 barras de energía que van a través y alrededor de la cabeza y que conectan diferentes aspectos de tu vida. Tocas una Barra y comienzas a limpiar la energía bloqueada en esa área o aspecto de tu vida, tan solo por tocarla.

Stress Relief Introductory Workshop

This workshop will give you a few simple tools as an invitation to the possibility that angst and worry no longer have to exist in your world. Your life is a beautiful gift. Isn’t it time you had space to enjoy it more?