George Ho

George Ho

What contribution can I be today for the changes you desire for your life and living?  Certified Facilitator, Symphony Advanced Practitioner, Bars Facilitator/Practitioner, Access Facelift Facilitator/Practitioner, Body Process Facilitator/Practitioner, Abuse Hold Practitioner

你想要有什麼改變呢? 而我可以成為什麼貢獻來引導這個改變? CF認證導師 交響樂高階執行師 Bars引導師/執行師 Access面部提升引導師/執行師  身體程序引導師/執行師 受虐擁抱執行師

Cursos próximos

Fecha Evento Facilitador Anfitrión Ubicación Formato
{{occurrence.StartDate}} - {{occurrence.EndDate}} {{occurrence.ClassTitle}} {{occurrence.Facilitator}}
{{occurrence.City}}, {{occurrence.State}}, {{occurrence.Country}}

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