Where In The World Is Gary?

Gary Douglas travels extensively through out the world facilitating advanced Access Consciousness classes as well as a range of evening and several day workshops on specific topics from choice and possibilities to money, benevolent capitalism, relationships and much more.

Are you looking for a scheduled class or event with him? The Class Calendar is where you find it! With its search function you can refine your search to find specific classes and events with Gary all over the world, as well as near you.


Once a year Access Consciousness co-creators Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer re-write the entire Foundation class. This is a global event with participants joining the class both live and online worldwide!

As you begin to recognize how unique you are, you start becoming aware of the choices that you make, the choices you would like to make, and what you would like to generate with ease... financially, in relationships, in your work and beyond. What if you are the possibility you’ve been looking for?

The 6-day events are for those invited to attend after completing through the Choice for Possibilities class. They are held at various exotic destinations around the world such as South Africa, Malaysia, and Costa Rica. It is a unique and life-changing experience. Is it time to stir the pot of your life?

A unique set of body processes that are created to give your body the possibility of going beyond the limitations of this reality. What if you could have ease, joy and communion with your body far beyond what is considered possible right now?

Abuse takes on many forms and many faces. It can come from another or from ourselves. What if there was a way to not let abuse stop you from living the life that you know is possible?

Sometimes changes require exploration of one single subject on a deeper level. That is when Gary choose to facilitate specialty classes. They are a one-time possibility to leap beyond everything that you previously took for granted!

Lo sentimos, no se encuentra ningún curso ni evento que corresponda.

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