ESSE for BODIES - Energetic Synthesis of Structural Embodiment


In this 2.5-day class, we invite you to touch bodies in a different way and learn how to listen to the body. You will discover what you know about bodies, find your healing capabilities and leave with more awareness of bodies and how they can change and how that change can contribute to your life.

You will increase your ability how to be a question with bodies, how to perceive the changes that are possible, and how to contribute to these changes.

Requisitos previos

El Fundamento o el Fundamento global


Puedes encontrar tu precio individual aplicado en la sección Mis clases / Realiza un pago tras registrarte.

Class will be 9:30- 2:30pm 4/25 and 4/26 and then 9:30-12:30 approximately on 4/27

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