Being You – The Weekend Adventure

What if you could wake up every day with a wild enthusiasm for being alive?

Are you always asking for more and looking for that “something” we all know is possible? What if that “something” is YOU? What if you, truly being you, are all it takes to change everything – your life, everyone around you and the world?

So how the bleep do you know when you’re actually being you? Here is a checklist by Dain Heer:

  1. You like yourself.
  2. You care about the people around you. A lot. Whatever they choose.
  3. There is no awareness you have to avoid — the good, the bad and the ugly. Everything fits in your world. You can be totally present with everything and everyone.
  4. You have a dynamic sense of peace. (You may still be potent enough to start a tsunami of change with your little finger!)
  5. You're magic walking, with every step, something new and wondrous is added to the symphony of possibilities.
  6. You're continuously changing!

That is you. That is who you came here to be.

Is now the time?

Welcome to this weekend adventure (2 or 2.5 days) based on Dain Heer’s Being You, Changing the World book and classes, as well as the amazing tool-box of Access Consciousness.

These classes can give you an energetic experience of being that you won’t find anywhere else.

This class has no prerequisites and every event is uniquely created by the people who choose to come.



Country Pricing and Age Pricing applies.
All prices include The Being You Adventure Workbook, and audio recordings of the class.
Your individual and applied pricing can be seen under Billing & Payments after registering.

L'Aventure d'Être Soi avec les dauphins ! Being You with dolphins


Véro et moi, Laurence Favier, sommes ravies et impatientes de vivre cette aventure avec vous !

Une semaine sur un bateau à nager avec les dauphins dans la magnifique baie de Sataya en Egypte, combinée avec la classe L'Aventure d'Être Soi. N'est-ce pas un merveilleux programme ?


Des possibilités supplémentaires en France

Si vous habitez en France et que vous êtes chef d'entreprise, quelle que soit sa taille ou sa nature, ou que vous avez le projet de créer votre entreprise, sachez qu'il existe des possibilités de prise en charge totale ou partielle de cette formation, selon votre situation par votre CPF ou votre OPCO.

Je vous invite à me contacter pour que nous regardions ensemble ce qui est possible pour vous au 07 85 70 84 82 ou par mail



Véro and I, Laurence Favier, are so happy and excited to live this adventure with you!

One week on a boat swimming with dolphins in beautiful Sataya Bay - Egypt, receiving Being You class.

What an amazing program!

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