Clarity Night

Have you noticed that your life is not yet what you would like to be? Do you know that more is possible?

What if the things that are limiting you could be unlocked and changed much more easily than you’ve imagined?

During this event, an Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator will assist you in finding more clarity and ‘clearing’ specific areas of your life using the tools, techniques and processes of Access Consciousness®. Explore areas such as body, health, weight, sex and relationship, money, family, anxiety, stress and so much more.

This is about empowering you to know that you know; about you knowing what’s true and what works for you. What if you are more aware than you’ve acknowledged?  

Please see below or message the host for specific details about the topic of this particular class.

Energy Pull - Wesenheiten und das Neue Jahr 2025

Herzlich willkommen zum Energy Pull- Wesenheiten und  das Neue Jahr 2025!

Wir werden jeden Tag zu einem anderen Thema, Wesenheiten einladen uns beizutragen.

Beziehungen, Geld,  Kinder, Spirits der Erde....

Schwer zu erklären, man muss es erleben

Wir freuen uns auf Dich, Margarete und Team!

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