Advanced Pragmatic Psychology

By Susanna Mittermaier , Gary M. Douglas

Welcome to Advanced Pragmatic Psychology by Susanna Mittermaier and Gary M. Douglas!

...Creating a life on planet earth without trauma, drama, upset and intrigue

Many of us were not taught how to create our lives at all; let alone creating it with joy and ease, but if you are willing to be pragmatic, if you are willing to do what works for you, you can go beyond the drama and trauma and into a world of possibilities greater than you have ever imagined.

This book is filled with tips and tools that will empower you to choose and create that.

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What is Advanced Pragmatic Psychology?

What is your point of view about your life and living? 

Have you decided it is fun and joyful? 

Or have you decided that is it hard? 

With the amount of drama, trauma, upset and intrigue that exist in relationships, work, and finances many of us have taken the point of view that life is difficult to navigate and something to overcome. Would you like to be a part of a different possibility? A possibility in which you wake up every morning with the joy of being alive and create the life that you desire faster and with more ease than you can imagine. 

Susanna Mittermaier, founder of Pragmatic Psychology and author of Pragmatic Psychology, Practical Tools for Being Crazy Happy and Gary Douglas, founder of Access Consciousness and author of multiple books all designed to empower you to know what is true for you and to create everything you desire in life, invite you in this book to go beyond every lie and limitation of life and living into the joyful adventure it can be. 

Once you go to the question, everything becomes possible. It is the speed of space. It is the awareness of being. Yes, it is intense and uncomfortable, because awareness is not comfortable. Comfortable is the stupidity you use to make yourself feel fine about being screwed up.

What if ease, joy and glory were the new normal for you… if you choose?

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Awareness is the ultimate source of total relaxation because you never have to question anything when you know. You never have to doubt yourself when you know. You never have to ask whether you are choosing right or wrong when you know. Full awareness and full knowing come with total relaxation.

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Psychologist | Author | Founder of Pragmatic Psychology | Worldwide Speaker

Susanna Mittermaier is a psychologist and author of Practical Tools for Being Crazy Happy. As a worldwide speaker, Susanna offers a new paradigm on psychology called Pragmatic Psychology.

Susanna is known for her revolutionary perspective on facilitating change. Her pragmatic approach invites people to choose what works and that which creates the greatest outcome in business, leadership and their lives. Susanna Mittermaier inspires people all over the world to unveil their brilliance and to see problems and difficulties as pos- sibilities and potent choices.

Susanna Mittermaier, a pragmatic psychologist, from Vienna, Austria, was educated in Sweden at the university clinic of Lund, where she mentored the hospital staff, conducted neuropsychological testing and psychotherapy with patients and developed a new approach to psychology. Susanna discovered how clinical diagnosis are abilities rather than disabilities. They can be used as resources to create a better life if acknowledged. Being happy might not be something most people find as valuable as being successful according to the standards of this reality, but they should consider it. Being happy in a world that is dedicated to problems is one of the greatest and most inspiring accomplishments.

To learn more about Susanna Mittermaier and her work, visit:

Gary Douglas pioneered a set of transformational life changing tools and processes known as Access Consciousness® over 30 years ago. These tools that are on the creative edge of consciousness have transformed the lives of tens of thousands of people all over the world. His work has spread to more than 170 countries, with over 5,000 trained facilitators worldwide. Simple and so effective, the tools facilitate people of all ages and backgrounds to help remove limitations holding them back from the freedom to live and create a life they truly desire.