Sonia Shpak

Sonia Shpak

Ever wondered what it would take to be truly excited to be alive? Welcome to the gift of Access Bars® & Access Consciousness!

Could you imagine having ease with money, greater relationships, better health, a thriving business and live a fun, joyful life? It all starts with this amazing process called the Access Bars®

What if YOU could actually see that any wrongness in you is actually a strongness in YOU...

What is it YOU are now ready to change in your life? What could YOU now choose to create?

What if your entire life could change with one Access Bars session?

Since learning the tools of Access Consciousness it has allowed me to eliminate self-doubt, open myself to receiving love, have clarity, perspective and see my life is full of infinite possibilities.

Two days after attending a Bars class, I woke up with a voice in my head saying " You are going to become an Access Facilitator and take this to the World". Before learning access my doubts and fears would have prevented me from making this life changing decision. After having my Bars run I had never been so certain about anything in my entire life.

I have learnt so many tools to help create ease in my life. I no longer live in a state of stress, anxiety and limitations. I no longer doubt myself or my capabilities. I now accept judgement without it affecting me. I am so grateful for my life and my awareness. I’m grateful for all the good and bad experiences that have made me into the infinite being that I am today.

Come and get your Bars run and see what changes it brings into your life. What else is possible? Give it a try, and see what change comes into your world....

How does it get any better than that?

Choose an Access Bars session or become an Access Bars pratitioner with me!

You get to show up, relax, lie down, even go to sleep, while releasing limitations that keep you stuck - no talking required!

“ The Bars’ are 32 bars of energy that run through and around your head that connect to different aspects of your life. By gently touching these points we can dissolve any limiting beliefs with ease. Having your bars run can create greater possibilities in your life than you can imagine....

One on One Session

Investment: $150.00 for 60 mins. Oakleigh, 3166 

One Day Access Bars Course

$320 or half price repeat pricing

Contact me for an appointment time or come and join our next  one day Access Bars Course on the 3rd Sept 2022...

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Access Bars Class

Easy to learn, inexpensive and hands-on with a fully-trained facilitator guiding you in the technique.

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