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Explore what is changing the lives of tens of thousands of people in more than 170 countries around the world.
Explore what the 3 key tools of Access are and how you can use them to start creating the change you desire.
Receive tips of what you can choose to get started. You know what will work for you!
Read news articles, watch videos, listen to pods and radio shows – you can find Access Consciousness in many media channels!
There are thousands of Access Consciousness events and classes offered weekly around the world. You can search for a class by topic, facilitator, language or location in our class calendar.
Gary Douglas travels extensively facilitating advanced Access Consciousness classes as well as a range of evening and several day workshops on specific topics from choice and possibilities to money, benevolent capitalism, relationships and more.
Dr. Dain Heer offers classes on a wide array of topics through out the world and is best known for his transformation process The Energetic Synthesis of Being as well as the Being You, Changing the World events.
Simone Milasas travels extensively facilitating advanced Access Consciousness classes as well as a range of evening and several day workshops on specific topics from choice and possibilities to Relationship Done Different, Business Done Different, Getting Out of Debt Joyfully and more.
The Access Bars are the very core and foundation of Access Consciousness. It can be the starting point of a great adventure and it can be something you add to your life that will assist you in creating a greater ease with everything.
Dr. Dain Heer offers classes on a wide array of topics through out the world and is well known for his Being You, Changing the World events, based on his bestselling Being You, Changing the World book.
Dr. Dain Heer offers classes on a wide array of topics through out the world and is best known for his transformation process The Energetic Synthesis of Being (ESB).
The Access Special Classes are branches of Access Consciousness where you can dive deeper into particular topics with specialized facilitators. Each program offer introductory classes, advanced classes and certification facilitator training.
Access Consciousness have many ways of engaging with the tools worldwide via expos, meet ups, radio shows, tele summits, google hangouts and more.
Are you looking for more change? There are over 13,000 facilitators and practitioners available in more than 173 countries.
Find a facilitator or practitioner near you!
Find an article on almost any topic you could think of! Where would you like your adventure to begin?
Rosy Sandoval:
Su constante inquietud por la verdadera “Transformación del Ser” la ha llevado a 27 años de estudios en diferentes disciplinas y carreras de auto-conocimiento y fortalecimiento del SER.
Ha logrado un gran impacto y transformación hacia al éxito personal y laboral a más de 50,000 alumnos.
Galardonada por “Premio Nacional de la Mujer - 2019” y el “Micrófono de Oro - 2020”, Rosy es altamente reconocida en México.
Cuenta con un don especial para mezclar conocimiento adquirido de casi tres décadas. A través de la auto-convicción, Rosy logra dar entendimiento a las personas para realizar los cambios necesarios y a su vez ayudar a sus generaciones siguientes.
Rosy es conferencista y escritora de los libros El Perdón - herramienta que libera tu alma y Rompe Paradigmas ambos de Editorial Porrúa.
Maestra fundadora de Aplicación Mental por la SEP, Coaching, por Life Coach, del Instituto Orange County de California.
Certificada en Constelaciones Sistémicas, Estudios de biodescodificación, “El arte del buen vivir”, Thetha Healing y facilitadora de barras de Access Consciousness.
Ha contribuido a la transformación de Empresas Nacionales e Internacionales hacia el éxito con su metodología a: Colgate Palmolive, Citibanamex, BBVA, Grupo Indi, Bepensa, Monex, El TEC de Monterrey, Grupo Televisa, Mexichem, OSESA, Glencore entre otros. Su metodología esta registrada ante INDAUTOR.
Cd. de Mexico; Houston, Texas;
United States, Mexico
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“SER VALIENTE Es no desanimarse, ni detenerse ante contratiempos ni emociones de tristeza, de frustración, enojo o miedo. SER valiente es permitirse sentir, sacar aprendizaje de lo que ocasiona ese sentir y transformarlo en fuerza en nuestra vida.”
- Rosy SandovalIMPORTANT! We use cookies and similar methods to recognize visitors and remember their preferences. We do NOT track your IP address or use analytics for retarget advertising. If you like us, just come back and visit us online again!