Katelijne Loete

Katelijne Loete

Welcome, lovely YOU!

MY NAME IS KATELIJNE LOETE and I’m grateful you found my page.
What can I do for you?
What can I be for you?


Since I was a kid I’ve been looking for more of me, for greater for me and the whole world with all its wonderful creatures. I realized at a very young age that I desired to learn, to expand, to change, to create.

THIS LIFETIME HAS BEEN VERY CHALLENGING, so was my time in my mom’s belly and so were many previous lives. I am previledged to remember quiet a few. Many trauma’s of many lifetimes, realms, era’s opened up in this current life. In 2000 my body crashed. A mystery illness took over. Even in my deepest despair, against all odds, their was AN INNER KNOWING THAT I WOULD HEAL.

I chose the road to my INNER KNOWING long before I got to know Access Conciousness. I developed skills to access my consciousness, to connect to my body and work with what I KNEW. Access Consciousness accellerated everything and keeps opening up greater awareness, possibilities and choices everyday. 

I ACCEPTED MY FIRST BARS SESSION IN 2016 in a moment of total panic and despair about the pain in my body.
Guess what? 
Right after the session I felt a sparkling energy coming down on me, entering my body, taking away ALL the pain! Ten minutes later I was pain free for the first time in years.
“This stuff I gotta know!”
Two days later I took my first bars class. 


The year that followed I started working with Access Consciousness™ tools and processes, changing my body, changing me and along the road my business was born. It gives me enormous joy and gratitude!

Besides that, I AM ALSO A MUSICIAN AND PIANO TEACHER. I have a wonderful son, I’m a PROUD MOTHER. I experience a profound connection with planet Earth, plantlife and animallife. I create my life everyday a little bit more, full of excitement of what’s coming next. 

Access classes I did in the past:
- several Bars Classes + Global Bars Class
- lot's of Foundation Classes + a few Global Foundation Classes
- 3-day Body Class
- Talk To The Entities
- Access Facelift Class
- hundreds of calls and workshops with many different facilitators

Currently I am part of the creative team of Annet Melis, CF

For private sessions:
email: kate.y.lijne.loete@gmail.com 
mobile: +32495113550
contact FB: https://www.facebook.com/KateYlijne-Loete-Coaching-2075751152681005/?modal=admin_todo_tour


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Date Event Facilitator Host Location Format
Date 06 Apr 2025 - 06 Apr 2025 Event Access Bars Class Facilitator Katelijne Loete
Host Location
Antwerpen, , BE
Multiple Languages

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