Cyndi Nunez

Cyndi Nunez

Cyndi has always been a naturally joyful and curious person…but the rat race of life started to take her happiness away and she felt like she lost her joy. She forgot how to make her happiness a priority! After studying and getting her degree in Psychology from SF State, she learned how to make herself feel like she could fit in and feel “normal.”

But then she discovered Access Consciousness….and she found the question that changed her whole reality: “What’s right about me I am not getting?” This changed EVERYTHING. She realized that nothing was truly “wrong” with her but instead she was a magical joyful being of the Universe, stuck in the heaviness of this reality and its projections and expectations.

Cyndi also worked with children for 15 years, running her own daycare. She quickly learned that children are here to teach us to play in the pure state of joy and curiosity….without judgement or making themselves wrong.

In 2019, she created her business, Beyond Body Joy. She loves teaching people how to go from feeling stuck to feeling joy in their bodies and beyond. This expands into other areas of her clients lives such as finding joy in: Business, relationships, creation, manifesting, money, and community.

Are you feeling stuck and burnt out and can’t decide what’s the next step?

Are you tired of judging and defining yourself and ready to set yourself free?

Are you ready to have more joy in your body and beyond?

Reach out and connect with Cyndi to learn more about how to get unstuck and find your joy.  Cyndi is currently teaching classes in person in Sonoma County. She also offers 1-1 Access Bars sessions, body processes and beyond.



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