Becoming a Certified Facilitator

As a Certified Facilitator you will be able to facilitate The Foundation classes, Access Bars classes, Access Tasters, Access Bars Gifting & Receiving and any classes you create on a specific subject with permission from Gary Douglas or Dr. Dain Heer. Find out how to become a CF here.

Ready To Become An Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator?

Has Access Consciousness changed your life? Would you like even more change? Would you like to empower others to know that they know?
Would you like to own your own business being an Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator? What if this could be something you add to your life that creates more for you and everyone?

As a Certified Facilitator you will be able to facilitate The Foundation Casses, Access Bars Classes, Access Tasters, Access Bars Gifting & Receiving and any classes you create on a specific subject with permission from Gary Douglas or Dr. Dain Heer.

As a Certified Facilitator you are stepping into being a contribution to more consciousness being available on this planet and to everyone who chooses it.

It is a huge gift to open up a greater possibility for the end of limitation, destruction and judgment on this planet – or at the very least to begin to change the world we live in now.

You’re already a catalyst for change. Is now the time to BE this and BE the difference you are? We look forward to creating with you in the infinite possibilities of something greater for us all!

First Time Prerequisites

If this is your first Certified Facilitator Training, you must have completed the prerequisites below:

  • Two Access Bars classes – at least one must be in person*

  • Two The Foundation classes
    * One must be the most recent Global Foundation class (attended in person or online, or a purchased replay from the Access shop)
    * At least one Foundation class must be in person
  • Two Choice for Possibilities (CFP) class – one must be within the 12 months preceding the start of the CF training, and one must be attended either in person or online.
    Note: Only one of the two CFPs can be purchased from the Access shop. For a CFP purchased from the Access shop, it is the date the class was held, not the date of purchase, that must be within the 12 months.
    Note: Choice of Possibilities (COP) classes count for this prerequisite.

  • One 3-day Energetic Synthesis of Being class. Class must be attended in person or online. Shop products are not included.

  • One 4-day Symphony of Possibilities class. Class must be attended in person or online. Shop products are not included.

  • One 3-day Body Class within the 12 months preceding the start of the CF Training

  • One Being You Changing the World Class with Dain Heer within 24 months preceding the start of the CF Training. Class must be attended in person or online. Shop products are not included.

  • UPDATED - Starting CF February 2024: One full Business Done Different class or Business Done Different program within 24 months preceding the start of the CF training. Class must be attended in person or online. Shop products are not included.

  • The Hustler’s Guide To Sales & Marketing class with Christopher Hughes
  • Access 10 Commandments (10 Keys to Your Freedom) Aug-11 Teleseries with Gary Douglas and Dain Heer

  • Distractor Implants Feb-12 Teleseries with Gary Douglas and Dain Heer

  • Deal & Deliver Dec-14 Teleseries with Gary Douglas

  • Need & Tug Jul-14 Teleseries with Gary Douglas

  • Deal & Deliver For Your Life Feb-16 Teleseries with Gary Douglas

  • Feelings Nothing Truly Nothing More Apr-17 Teleseries with Gary Douglas

  • Shrinking Stupidity Aug-20 Teleseries with Gary Douglas and Dain Heer
  • Purchase and read the book OR listen to the teleseries of the Salon des Femmes with Gary Douglas

  • Purchase and read the book OR listen to the teleseries of The Gentlemen’s Club with Gary Douglas

  • Purchase and read the book Joy of Business by Simone Milasas
  • Purchase and read the Reference Materials for The Foundation AND Choice for Possibilities (available for purchase after classes have been completed)

  • Complete the questionnaire based on the Reference Materials (link found in your welcome email once you register for the CF Training)

Completing a prerequisite includes attending the class, listening to the teleseries, or reading the book or materials. When purchasing a prerequisite, you must have time to listen to or read it before the training starts. Purchasing several prerequisites shortly before the training may delay receiving a CF contract.

To become an Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator you must complete all the above prerequisites AND attend a 5-day Certified Facilitator Training, and sign your CF contract. If you have not previously signed a Data Protection Agreement, you will receive a DPA to sign first.

Becoming a CF for the first time? Here is a checklist of CF Prerequisites to track your progress.

Time to purchase your CF materials?

Online replays, telecalls, teleseries and books are all there for you!

Do you have all this in place? Are you ready?

Then please register and attend the 5-day Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator Training!

Certified Facilitator Trainings are offered three times a year: a US-company-based training in August/September, an Australia-company-based training in December/January/February, and a Europe-company-based training in March/April/May.

NOTE: The timing and location of trainings may change. A CF license is in effect until the next training cycle for that company.
Once you register, we will send you more information including the questionnaire based on the Reference Materials to complete.

After all the prerequisites and training are complete, you will receive a CF contract to sign. If you have not previously signed a Data Protection Agreement, you will receive a DPA to sign first.

Renewal Prerequisites

If you are an active CF attending a Certified Facilitator Training to renew your license, you must have completed the renewal prerequisites below:

  • Facilitate one The Foundation class within the 12 months preceding the start of the CF training
  • One Choice for Possibilities (CFP) class within the 12 months preceding the start of the CF Training
    Note: For a CFP replay purchased from the Access shop, it is the date the class was held, not the date of purchase, that must be within the 12 months.
    Note: A CFP class can be used only once for CF licensing. This prerequisite cannot be met using a CFP already counted for a previous license period. 

  • Attend each Global Foundation rewrite class with Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer that occurs during your license period. If you cannot attend the class when it occurs your CF license will be temporarily suspended until you can purchase and listen to the recording, at which time your CF license will be reactivated with your original license expiration date.

  • One Being You Changing the World Class with Dain Heer within 24 months preceding the start of the CF training. Class must be attended in person or online. Shop products are not included.
  • Complete the annual questionnaire based on the Reference Materials

  • Complete all current renewal CF prerequisites

  • UPDATED - Starting CF February 2024: Within 24 months preceding the start of the CF Training,
    Attend in person or online either one Business Done Different class or program with Simone Milasas
    one Business Done Different class or program with any Joy of Business facilitator.

    NOTE: Shop products are not included. An active Joy of Business facilitator license at the time of the CF training meets this prerequisite.

If you are a former CF attending a Certified Facilitator Training to restart your license after it has expired, you must have completed all the renewal prerequisites above (Note: facilitating The Foundation class is not required.You must have the most recent Global Foundation.) In addition you must have completed:

  • One 3-day Body Class within the 12 months preceding the start of the CF Training
  • All CF prerequisites added since your license expired.

    Renewing your CF license? Here are checklists of CF Prerequisites to track your progress
    Current CF Checklist

    Former CF renewing after a period with no license

Renewing Your Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator (CF) License

To renew your CF license you must complete the renewal prerequisites above AND attend a 5-day Certified Facilitator Training and sign your contract with Gary Douglas and Dain Heer.

Required Classes

Learn more and view the class calendar to register for required classes on your way to becoming a Certified Access Consciousness Facilitator.

Facilitator Training Calendar

Learn more and view the class calendar to register for a required facilitator training class on your way to becoming a Certified Access Consciousness Facilitator.

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