Relationships Done Different Facilitator Training

Welcome to becoming a Relationships Done Different Facilitator

Relationships Done Different is an invitation for less judgement and more intimacy in all relationships — this is about your relationship with everything: including family, business, friends, partners, lovers, the earth, your body, YOU and more!

Are you desiring to be a Relationships Done Different Facilitator?

Join Simone Milasas for the yearly facilitator training.
What can we empower people to choose with this?
After this training you can become licensed to facilitate the following Relationships Done Different (RDD) classes:

* Relationships Done Different - The Beginning
* Relationships Done Different - 3 Days Class and 10 Week Program
* Breaking Up Is Easy-ish
* Relationship: What If It's Not What You Think It Is?
* Life after Divorce
* Relationships Done Different with Earth
* Relationships Done Different with Bodies
* The Five Elements of Intimacy

Prerequisites To Attend

  • Active Access Certified Facilitator (CF)
  • Attended 1 (one) Relationships Done Different class in person or online

    Note: The Relationships Done Different class, the Relationships Done Different Intensive, and the Relationships Done Different - 10 Week Program can be used to meet the prerequisite.

    NOTE: Online attendees must be fully present and engaged with the training the entire time, camera on, your face well-lit and clearly visible to the facilitators and staff. We require you to be present and engaged (no running Bars or body processes and no listening while cooking, working, sleeping, shopping, driving, etc.)

Prerequisites To Become Licensed as an RDD CF

  • Active Access Certified Facilitator (CF)
  • Attend two (2) Relationships Done Different classes
    - One class must be facilitated by Simone Milasas
    - One must be attended in person or online, only one may be a shop product
    Note: Both the original Relationships Done Different class format,
    the Relationships Done Different - 10 Week Program & the Relationships Done Different Intensive can be used to meet the prerequisite.
  • Attend Relationships Done Different Facilitator Training within the past 9 months. Note: You must attend an in-person RDD CF training at least every 3rd year. For example, if you attended RDD CF 2022 in person, then Feb 2024 and 2025 can be online. If you attended RDD CF 2022 online, then 2024 could be online and 2025 in person.

  • Read the Books:
    • Relationship. Are you sure you want one?
    • Divorceless Relationships    
    • Sex Is Not a Four Letter Word, But Relationship Often Times Is
  • Complete the RDD class questionnaire
  • Watch the webinar: “Who Have You Made More Important In Relationships? HERE 
  • Listen to the Podcast:
    • Changing Myths & Archetypes In Relationships Podcast Episode: HERE
    • Finding A Relationship Not A Checklist: HERE
    • What If Relationship Could Be Play?: HERE
  • Pay the specialty facilitator license fee and sign the specialty license agreement

Renewing Your RDD CF License

  • Active Access Certified Facilitator (CF) license
  • In the past 12 months facilitate one (1) Relationships Done Different class or Relationships Done Different 10 Week Program
    Attend one (1) Relationship Done Different class or Relationships Done Different Intensive or Relationships Done Different - 10 Week Program facilitated by Simone Milasas
  • Attend Relationships Done Different Facilitator Training within the past 9 months.
    Note: You must attend an in-person RDD CF training at least every 3rd year. For example, if you attended RDD CF 2022 in person, then Feb 2024 and 2025 can be online. If you attended RDD CF 2022 online, then 2024 could be online and 2025 in person.
  • Current with all class and product license fee payments
  • Pay the specialty facilitator license fee

RDD CFs pay class license fees to Access Consciousness on most RDD classes.



Country pricing and Age pricing applies.
Your individual and applied pricing can be seen under My Classes, Make a Payment after registering.
All prices include MP3 recordings of the class and the clearing loops.

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