The Foundation

The Foundation class is designed to break the foundation of what you think your reality is, so you can create the reality that works for you.

*Our videos are subtitled in several languages. Click settings in the lower right corner of the video to turn them on and to select a language.

The Foundation class is designed to empower you to change anything and everything you’d like to change in your life. You will be given a whole toolbox that will allow you to break apart the foundation of limitation that we so often function from and build a new foundation, one of limitless possibility so that you can begin to create the life you truly desire.

What do you desire? What would you like to be different? Would you like more joy? More fun? More ease? Would you like to wake up in the morning with a sense of gratitude... happy to be on the planet?

Whatever it is for you, it is possible. Thousands of people around the world have created the life they desire by using the simple and pragmatic tools of Access Consciousness® that you will be introduced to in the Foundation class.

Everything can change. Anything is possible. The question is, will you choose it?


Access Bars Class


Global pricing, Repeat (within 24 months) and Age pricing applies.
Your individual and applied pricing can be seen under Billing & Payments after registering.

Repeat Pricing may apply to a class price when a client attends the same class type again, within a set number of months.

Our videos are subtitled in several languages. To activate them, start the video and choose your settings in its lower right corner.

💥 Hast du Lust, für DICH all das möglich zu machen:

💯mit den Access Werkzeugen ein Leben voller Erfolg, Freiheit, Leichtigkeit, Freude, Reichtum, Magie & Genuss

Vom 31. Oktober bis 03. November 2024
Donnerstag, Freitag und Samstag: 9.00 - 17.00 Uhr mit Mittagspause
Sonntag: 9.00 - 12.00 Uhr

Unsere schöne Venue:
Dinghoferstrasse 38 im Hof
4020 Linz

Facilitatorin: Gitti Wieser

Deine Investition für DICH:
2250,00€ / für Wiederholer innerhalb 24 Monate € 1125,00
Kinder im Alter von 15 Jahren und darunter frei in Begleitung eines Erwachsenen,
16- und 17-Jährige € 1125,00

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Alles im Leben kommt zu mir mit Leichtigkeit, Freude und Herrlichkeit! 

Mit Liebe & Freude,
Gitti :)

Gitti: 0043(0)660/ 51 44 889 (auch WhatsApp)

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