Access Bars Class

What is it you’ve been looking for but have never been able to find?

There’s a peace and relaxation possible for everyone in the world, and in receiving a simple process for bodies, called Access Bars, it can occur with total ease.

Best of all, it’s not hard to learn.

By learning or receiving the Access Bars® technique, you can give yourself and your clients, friends, family, and co-workers the care, kindness, and nurturing you require with total ease.




Global Pricing, Repeat Pricing and Age Pricing applies.
Your individual and applied pricing can be seen under Billing & Payments after registering.

Repeat Pricing may apply to a class price when a client attends the same class type again, within a set number of months.

Our videos are subtitled in several languages. To activate them, start the video and choose your settings in its lower right corner.


The Access Bars class is a hands on, in-person class. Long-distance sessions do not work, as Bars is a hands-on process that only works with the energy created by touching. It simply does NOT work long distance!

Do you know?

Kids are a great contribution to all of our classes. They facilitate dynamically moving energy and are always welcome to every class Access Consciousness offers. Children age 15 and under can come to a class at no cost when attending with a paying adult or at the facilitator’s discretion. Teenagers ages 16 and 17 pay 50% of the full class price. Notify the facilitator if you are planning on bringing your kids.

Sabías que.....
Los niños son una gran contribución a todas nuestras clases. Facilitan el movimiento dinámico de la energía y siempre son bienvenidos a todas las clases que ofrece Access Consciousness. Los niños menores de 15 años pueden asistir a una clase sin costo si asisten junto con un adulto que pague o a discreción del facilitador. Los adolescentes de 16 y 17 años pagan el 50 % del precio total de la clase. Notifique al facilitador si planea traer a sus hijos.

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