Join TTTE creator, Shannon O’Hara or a Certified TTTE Facilitator for a series of classes that will completely revolutionize the way you see the world.
Delve into the the dynamic world of Clearing, Communicating and Receiving with entities and discover a vast world of freedom and ease.
Learn what you should have been taught from day one and access your abilities!
What have you always been aware of?
Check out the classes below and visit the our website to further explore Talk To The Entities.
Are you curious how to give your children more ease with their awareness of entities? Imagine if you had the tools, information and support from day one to embrace and work with everything that you have always been aware of. It’s never too late to learn and it's never too late to teach your children!
What if there were a world of beings who would and could create with you if you were willing to receive it? Learn how to create with the entities and energies that are available for all of us that so few receive. What gifts do the spirit world desire to gift you for being you?
Talk to the Entities business hours are the time and space you choose to get to work clearing, communicating, receiving and cooperating with the spirit world.
Making this time for clearing, communicating, receiving and cooperating can make your life and the world a million times easier.
Now that you have discovered the foundational tools of Talk To The Entities Beginning, are you ready to step up your engagement with the spirit world with the Intermediate class?
This is a membership with a monthly call per and an energetic exercice call every 2 months reserved for participants who have done a TTTE Beginning class.
Awareness of the spirit world is a muscle… will you choose to nurture it and develop your strength and abilities with the TTTE tools?
Now that you have discovered the foundational tools of Talk To The Entities Beginning, are you ready to step up your engagement with the spirit world with the Intermediate class?
Talk to the Entities - Introduction is a great way to get your feet wet with Talk To The Entities and begin to see the breath and depth of this work. It is about introducing people to an easier and more enjoyable world and possibility with entities and ghosts.
Do you desire to become more aware and present with energies and communications from those on the other side? Join Shannon O'Hara or a Certified TTTE Facilitator for the Talk to the Entities - Beginning where you will learn how to develop your own psychic awareness and change the way you see the spirit world.
Do you desire to become more aware and present with energies and communications from those on the other side? Join Shannon O'Hara or a Certified TTTE Facilitator for the Talk to the Entities - Beginning where you will learn how to develop your own psychic awareness and change the way you see the spirit world.
TTTE Advanced Class facilitated by TTTE founder Shannon O’Hara takes you farther into developing the subtle energy skills of entity communication and deeply into the power of creation and receiving with entities.
The Summit is six power-filled days of transformation for you to become a Talk to the Entities Facilitator!
Do you desire to learn how to handle and work with all the entities and energies you are aware of or pretending not to be aware of? And what about getting over all fear and resistance to entity awareness, for real!? Join us for Talk to The Entities Beginning where you will learn how to develop your own awareness and change the way you see and work with the spirit world.
If you could remember the space right before your birth, who would you be? If you were at peace with your death how would you live your life? What is birth and death and how can exploring these realities contribute to our consciousness and enhance our lives?
Learn how to clear all entities and energies that make a house, building or land funky and stuck. These are incredibly easy, yet powerful tools and processes that will ‘un-haunt’ any house and clear any space! You will be amazed by the ease and space you will be able to create.
What can we do and be now to address the entity impact on addiction? Addiction is always a choice, first and foremost; and having the tools of entity awareness can make us impervious to the negative effects of entities.
Learn, grow, apply and change the world.
What if a large array of so called ‘mental disorders’ were due to an extreme awareness of entities and a lack of education and empowerment in this area? What if you could more easily handle what this reality calls mental disorders with the tools of TTTE® and Access Consciousness™? This class will delve into where awareness of entities and psychological disorders are misidentified and misapplied.
What if a willingness to receive from entities could totally contribute to your money flows? What if there were spirits who could and would assist you with money? Have you been asking? See who and what you can work with to make money a magical adventure rather than a desperate necessity.
Nature spirits are vital for the health of the earth and bring so much magic to all of our lives if we will perceive, receive and play with them. Learn to acknowledge the magic earth spirits are and invite them into your life and back to power on the Earth.
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