Adventures into the Animal Kingdom

Have you ever desired a totally different guide to living and experiencing life with animals?

Explore all the subtleties of living with animals through this series of telecalls leading you through all the life stages of your pet. Learn more about your animal’s personality, create a greater bond, and raise a confident, relaxed companion.

We will assist you in finding the pet that works with your lifestyle, address behavior issues, discuss food and health, discuss how to add animal companions or change life situations such as moving house, going through life stages, and ultimately having more ease with the transition of your pet.

Each three-part teleseries will focus on a specific topic. You do not have to take them in any particular order; they are a stand-alone exploration.


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Location Format
Date {{event.eventStartDate}} - {{event.eventEndDate}} {{nameHeader}} {{event.eventTitle}} Facilitator{{event.eventFacilitator}}
Location {{event.eventCity}}, {{event.eventState}}, {{event.eventCountry}}