Choosing for a Greater Future

When you see the political and financial reality of this world, do you get inspired and invited to create more? Or do you give up hope? Do you just want to lie in bed, close your eyes, and hope you wake up in a different, brighter world?

What if the world you dream of... is not an impossibility?

What if it’s possible... if YOU choose it?

Even the political and financial future of the world?

If you haven’t noticed, the people who are “insane” enough to dream big… are the ones who actually create what they dream about. Those that don’t, don’t.

Lately, the people who think they’re “in charge” have been creating the lie that our only choice is to become more separate, more alone, less wealthy, more afraid, and that we can’t create something greater, only worse lies ahead.

But guess what? THEY’RE WRONG!

There was a time I didn’t have hope either, but now I’m hopeful. You see, I’ve had the gift of working with hundreds of thousands of people around the world, and I’ve seen what’s possible when people step into the potency of knowing change is possible if they are willing to choose it.

I wake up daily with the awareness that I am part of a different, greater future.

And so are you.

I know that as we each let our unique spark shine, the world changes for the greater. Not in an airy-fairy, “I wish this would change” sorta way, but in an “I’m here, and I KNOW we are changing things” kinda way.

And that, my beautiful friend, is AWESOME!

But it takes YOU, empowered with choice, to wake up with a fire in your belly to create the future you always dreamed of.

Now is the time to stop just dreaming and start actualizing that future instead.

What if you have the capacity to be part of creating a greater future?

For all of us?

  • What can you choose?
  • What can you receive from others?
  • What can you be?
  • What can you change by being you, as you truly are, that you haven’t yet accessed?

And, is now the time?

If you were to truly be that beautiful thing you’ve been hiding under all those yucky “problems,” what would be possible for you and our world?

It takes YOU.
It takes US.

And you/we are fully capable of creating the brighter, greater future we all hope for.

Let’s go beyond just hoping and to actualization – of the future WE know is possible.

What part are you playing that you haven’t yet acknowledged?

What can you choose today?

Join us, and let’s see what’s possible when we make a demand for a greater future together.




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All prices include MP3 recordings of the class.


Welcome to Choosing for a Greater Future with Dr Dain Heer 

A special class that will: 

-Empower you to know that you know. 

-Give you tools to follow your knowing. 

-Explore questions you have & open doors to a new world of possibilities.

-Contribute subtle but potent energetics that allow us to change anything in our way, using the Energetic Synthesis of Being (ESB) created by Dr. Dain Heer.



**For 30 days after this class, we will get together daily to run clearings for a greater political and financial future for us and our world.


Find Your Time in the World

This class is FREE for those attending the Energetic Synthesis of Being (ESB) class in Washington DC (live or online), please register and you will be given a coupon for "payment".   

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