Are you ready to access all the infinite possibilities that you are capable of creating?
If you could be all of you... Who would you be?
What if you can be everything you would like to be? Would you be willing to be all of you in totality? What if there is nothing wrong with you and never had been?
What if you can access the brilliance you truly are?
Hi, I'm Luz Adame, and I invite you to choose and explore different possibilities for you and your beautiful body. These classes and sessions are open to everyone, regardless of your background or current situation. I invite you to discover the magnificent, brilliant person you are and find your gifts, talents, capacities, abilities, power, and potency as the infinite being you indeed Are. I'm an Access Consciousness® Certified Bars Facilitator, Body Process Facilitator, Energetic Facelift Facilitator, SOP Practitioner, and Abuse Hold Practitioner. Also, I'm a 100% Certified Natural Therapist Member of The International Institute for Complementary Therapists! I offer classes and sessions in English and Spanish.
You must know that I don't have any answers for you; I only have questions. However, I do have a powerful set of tools from Access Consciousness that can help you unlock your potential. These tools are designed to dissolve any limitations you may feel, allowing you to step into a more empowered version of yourself.
My aim is to empower you to know that you know and to be at ease with your body. For that, I use Access Consciousness Tools as an Access Consciousness Certified Bars Facilitator, Certified Body Process Facilitator, Certified Access Energetic Facelift Facilitator, SOP Practitioner, and Abuse Hold Practitioner.
My own journey with Access Consciousness has been transformative. I've discovered that I have a natural empathy, a healing ability, and a level of awareness I never knew I had. If you're looking for more in life, whether it's better health, abundance, or joy in relationships, I'm here to help you explore the possibilities.
If you're interested in hosting a class, it's simple. Just get in touch with me. If you can gather at least six people (including yourself) for the class, you'll get it at half price. And if you can bring together at least 10 people (including yourself), you'll get the class for free. It's a great way to share these tools with your friends and family. How does it get any better than that?
Please use the contact form to get in touch.
My qualifications are:
As an Access Consciousness Certified Bars Facilitator and Body Process Facilitator, I offer the following classes in English or Spanish:
Access Bars - 1 Day Class.
Access Body Process - 1 Day Class.
Access Energetic Facelift - 1 Day Class.
Access Consciousness Intro Nights.
If you are willing to host a Bars Class, a One-Day Body Process Class, or a Facelift Class for me, please get in touch! If you organize at least six people for the class, you get the class for half price; if you can organize at least 10 people, you get it for free! How does it get any better than that?
Private sessions are also available for:
Visit my website:
Looking forward to see you in my class!
With Ease, Joy and Glory.
Luz Adame
The Joy of Healing
5150 Candlewood St. Suite 7
Lakewood, CA 90712
What People Are Saying...
Hello Luz, thank you so much for today's class! I feel amazing! I hope we can meet up again real soon! Take care
-Veronica (Paramount, CA)
Luz, Siento que me cambio la vida totalmente despues de este tratamiento de barras. (Luz... I feel like my life changed completely after this bars treatment).
- Juana A. (Huntington Park, CA)
Hi Luz.... I love how much lighter and more carefree I felt after you ran my bars. My 11 year old had another seizure and I REALLY want him to know this world. I feel instinctively that it will help him so much.
- Jacqueline (Long Beach, CA)
Hi again! I'm so excited to learn the just keeps coming into my mind;) I have noticed some powerful changes in my son since you ran his bars.
- Jacqueline (Long Beach, CA)
Thank you Luz for the session today. My mind is still pretty calm and my body.
-Scott (Beverly Hills, CA)
Hello Luz, I wonder how things will turn out and I am better and better everyday. I am grateful for the session you gave me.
-Boniface (Long Beach, CA)
Nomaste Luz, Thank you so much for the class on Bars. I am practicing that on my son on almost a daily basis. He is making progress in his health, thank God.
-Chandra (Inglewood, CA)
- Te estoy eternamente agradecida.
Cambios cabrones en mi.
~Claudia (Fullerton, CA)
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“I Never Give Up I Never Give In I Never Quit i Never Stop”
-Access Bars® zu schenken und zu empfangen, ist ein unglaublich nährender und freundlicher Prozess für dich und deinen Körper. Du beginnst, die Türen zum Einssein zu öffnen - wo alles ohne Bewertung existiert. Beim Bars-Gifting-&-Receiving kannst du die Bars mit anderen Practicionern aus deiner Umgebung austauschen. Es ist eine großartige Möglichkeit, deine Bars regelmäßig laufen zu lassen!
Access Bars® sind der Kern und die Grundlage von Access Consciousness. Sie können der Beginn eines großartigen Abenteuers sein, etwas, das du deinem Leben zufügst und das dir hilft, mehr Leichtigkeit in allen Dingen zu kreieren. Die Bars® sind 32 spezifische Punkte am Kopf, die in Beziehung zu unterschiedlichen Bereichen und Aspekten des Lebens stehen. Wenn Du einen der Barspunkte berührst, ist diese Berührung ausreichend, um die Energie, die in diesem Bereich oder Aspekt deines Lebens eingeschlossen ist, freizusetzen.
What would your life be like if you started to fit out rather than fit in? A class based on Susanna Mittermaier's book, Pragmatic Psychology, Practical Tools for Being Crazy Happy