Julie Kaukinen

Julie Kaukinen

Hello I'm Julie. 

Would you like to feel lighter, happier and more relaxed and create a life you don't have to escape from? 

You're in the right place.

This body of work is a very effective set of tools, techniques and energy work body processes that make you feel better and lighter because it allows you to get rid of all the heavy stuff you've been holding onto. 

Your point of view creates your reality-so what's your point of view?  Every tool in Access helps you clear all your points of views so you can be in allowance of everything so you can create infinite possibilities. 

I've done the stress relief technique Access Bars for over 100 days in a row and I've had profound change in all areas of my life, my awareness, my nervous system, how I react and how I function and create my life.


One recent Access Bars client had severe lifelong PTSD and after one 90mins Bars session her entire life changed as if by magic overnight.  She was able to sleep without heavy drugs for the first time in years, she doesn't wake up with nightmares anymore and Access Bars created so much change in her life-her husband also took a Bars class because he wanted to know what was able to give his wife relief after all these years of suffering when nothing else worked.

Welcome to the magical tools and processes of Access Consciousness, Access Bars, Facelift and Body Processes.  Everything in Access empowers you to know that you are the only one that knows for you.  I used to go from one psychic to another until they'd tell me what I wanted to hear.  What if you actually do know what's best for you?  And what if all of life could come to you with ease, joy and glory?

Access Bars is an energetic body process that really creates dynamic change.  Is it really possible touching 32 points on your head can make you happy and stay happy?  Bars starts to clear all the limitations you have about any area of your life.  Access Consciousness has done brain mapping studies and the neuroscientists have never seen a human brain change this much in 90 minutes! They have also done studies on anxiety and depression using Access Bars and it has had a very dynamic effect.  Quantum physics has proven your point of view creates your reality-so what fixed points of views do you have creating your life?  Any area of your life that isn't ease and joy is where you have shut off your awareness.  Access Bars deletes the points of view that have kept you stuck and limited so you can create a life that works for you and it allow more possibilities to show up.   

Bars and Body Processes are such a gift and have given me more of me and a greater life than I ever knew was possible.  I don't default anymore to judging myself, making myself wrong or getting paralyzed and stuck when someone judges me-instead I ask questions and choose what I would like and relax and receive what I'm asking for.  I have truly created a life beyond what I thought possible and I never would've been able to get to myself if it hadn't been for simple Access tools.   It's such a gift to be able to share this magic with anyone who would like something greater and more out of life.  When you don't use force and control to create something-everything is so much greater, easier and more fun. 

What if there was nothing to resist and react to or align and agree with, what if you could have more fun being in allowance and everything was just an interesting point of view?  I was using so much energy to control everything and be right all the time and it wasn't creating what I really wanted, I was exhausted and life was blahhhh.  Access turned it all around with questions.  Universe can you show me the joy of being alive?  What else is possible that I've never even considered?!  Those questions blew my whole world open and I needed to know more.  

I wonder what contribution these classes & I can be to you? 

Consider this your formal invitation to consciousness & being the greatness you came here to Be.

Julie xox


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Datum 09 Feb 2025 - 09 Feb 2025 Veranstaltung E&E of the Embodiment of All Past Thoughts and Feelings Kursleiter Julie Kaukinen
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CALGARY, Alberta, CA

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“If you knew "ask and receive" actually works, would you be willing to ask?”

- Julie Kaukinen

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