Jennilynne Coley

Jennilynne Coley

"Create a life you love that's full of a lot of joy." ~ Jennilynne Coley

Hello and nice to meet you!  All of my life, I have been lit up about education in all sorts of arenas, but not in the traditional sense.  The root word of education, "educo", actually means "to draw out".   And that fits beautifully with my take on education....the belief that not only do we have all our own answers inside of us, our bodies also have the remarkable ability to heal from the inside out.

While I have always had a love for learning, pushing myself to do well in school, I did not always see myself as a healer.  As a teen mom, I took a "safe" and conventional path at first, completing my degree in business and following a financial services career path...from management, consulting, cultivating & training sales teams and teaching continuing education classes to selling and servicing retirement plans, real estate, and investment and insurance clients.  Yet, something was still missing...  

Throughout the process of discovering what works for me, I found so many amazing tools and I totally fell in love with life again.  I began doing more of what I love...speaking, writing, coaching & facilitating, dancing and experiencing many other things in life that bring me and my body so much joy!  And now I empower my clients and community to do the same, and MORE!

One of the reasons I love the Access tools so much is the way they invite you to take the judgment out of everything, including all the ways you judge YOU!  And they invite you to truly be present with where you're functioning from, what you're creating, and to know that you are aware and you always have a CHOICE! 

Plus, the classes are usually full of a lot of irreverent humor...and joy and laughter changes more than most other things.  So, if you're anything like me and you've been seeking something different for your life, these might just be the very tools you've been searching for and just didn't know they existed.

What if today is the first day of the rest of the creation of your life as you truly desire it to be?


Bevorstehende Kurse

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Meine Kurse

Der Foundation-Kurs

Dieser Kurs hebt das Fundament der Begrenzung auf, von dem aus du gedacht hast, leben zu müssen, als hättest du keine andere Wahl! Er wird weltweit von zertifizierten Access-Consciousness-Facilitatoren facilitiert und ist eine 4-tägige intensive Erforschung dessen, was sonst noch möglich ist. Der Kurs kreiert Gewahrsein für die Grundlage von Gewahrsein, das du bisher noch nicht in deinem Leben benutzt hast!


Die meisten Leute sehen keine Freude im Business und noch viel weniger Spaß.  Sie sehen Business als hart, stressig, festgefahren, einen Kampf... und eine ganze Menge, die Business sein kann, jedoch nicht sein muss!  Was, wenn Business Spaß machen würde, und Geld der Freude folgte und nicht dem Gegenteil?  "Bring den Spaß zurück ins Business" ist, wo du beginnst anzuschauen was deine wirkliche Ansicht ist, ohne Einfluss von Projektionen und Verpflichtungen.   Nicht nur für Unternehmen oder Geschäftsinhaber.  Wenn im Business alles möglich wäre, was würdest du dann wählen? Was müsstest du verändern um diese Wahl zu einer Realität in deinem Business werden zu lassen? Wärst du bereit zu wissen, dass es so einfach sein kann? Triff eine Wahl.... ändere was auch immer es braucht.... kreiere die "Freude im Business"!