Alex Moya M.

Alexandra Moya Maldonado

Hello, and welcome to a world of possibilities! I'm Alexandra, and I'm in this world to share. When I moved to Canada, I found myself with a lot of space in my brain, and as a good human, 🤯 I started to overthink and stress about everything (it doesn't mean that in my backcountry I didn't), but here I could be aware of that. I found Access Tools in 2021, and my life was shaped to receive from this world of contribution. 💆I started with Access Bars®, reset my limiting thoughts, reduced my stress, and stopped overthinking by being guided by my knowledge, my body, and what I want to create in my life. Now it's your turn. Are you ready for happiness and joy? 👽

Book a Bars session visiting my website 👉For more info, send me an email 🪄

  • Access Bars Facilitator and Practitioner 
  • Access Energetic Facelift Practitioner 
  • Access Body Process Practitioner

Do you wanna try this exquisite process? I called it the "Magic Botox" 💋💃 Access Energetic FACELIFT 👇




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{{occurrence.StartDate}} - {{occurrence.EndDate}} {{occurrence.ClassTitle}} {{occurrence.Facilitator}}
{{occurrence.City}}, {{occurrence.State}}, {{occurrence.Country}}

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