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ALL proceeds will go to The El Lugar Project in Costa Rica!
You will receive:
He is followed by Dr. Anthony Mattis, Katarina Wallentin and the Symphony Advanced Practitioners, who bring their unique perspectives and experiences worldwide to this event.
The Symphony Advanced Practitioners have all been trained by Dr. Dain Heer. They facilitate Symphony sessions and the class Introducing the Symphony globally.
Soar with us through the experience of the energetic transformation of Symphony of Possibilities! Are you ready?
You can sit, lie down, close your eyes, or even take the session with you on a walk in the forest. There are no rules and you can’t do this wrong!
Just allow yourself to perceive, receive, and relax into the energy and whatever shifts and changes for you.
We live in a universe of energies; energies surround us and are within us, and energy is what we’re made of. In that sense, these sessions go beyond any language, which means that what you receive goes beyond words.
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