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Your body is an amazing organism that is constantly giving you information. (Yes it gives you information for what is going on for it and that is what we like to call pain but what if there is more? )
Would you be willing to use that information? Would that create something greater for you? Your body? And the planet?
Your body is an amazing organism that is constantly giving you information. (Yes it gives you information for what is going on for it and that is what we like to call pain but what if there is more? )
Would you be willing to use that information? Would that create something greater for you? Your body? And the planet?
Facilitators: {{totalCountFormatted}}
Name | Country | City/State | Certification | Profile | Class | |
{{facilitator.Country}} | {{facilitator.StateName ? facilitator.StateName : facilitator.City}} | {{ !certification.Abbreviation ? certification.Name : certification.Abbreviation}}, | {{facilitator.ScheduledClassCount}} |
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