What If You Didn’t Have To Fix Your Body?

So much of our interaction with our bodies is looking at what we’ve decided is wrong with them.

If there was nothing wrong with your body, would you truly have to fix your body?


Können die Access Consciousness-Werkzeuge Schmerzen lindern?

Wissenschaftler haben jahrzehntelang gesucht, um das Phänomen des Schmerzes zu verstehen, woher er kommt, wie man Schmerz lindert und wie man ihn ändert.

Was wäre, wenn es eine völlig andere Möglichkeit gäbe?

Was wäre, wenn die "Ursache" des Schmerzes nicht das ist, was du denkst?


Von der Verjüngung bis zur Umkehrung des Alterns - hast du den Access-Facelift schon ausprobiert?

Anti-Aging ist ein großes Geschäft.

Es scheint, dass sich viele Menschen für das Umkehren des Alterns interessieren. 2015 hatte der weltweite Markt für Anti-Aging-Produkte einen Wert von über 140 Milliarden US-Dollar ...


3 Tools to Stop Suffering Your Body

Are you suffering your body or enjoying it? Most people, if they are aware of their body at all, emphasize the “problems” with it. They focus on their pains, illnesses, discomforts, signs of aging, or the many other judgments about bodies.

What about you?


Change Your Body with These 3 Tools

There are so many tools in Access Consciousness that sometimes it can be interesting to know what to use and when! There are tools to change your money situation, tools to change your relationships, tools to change your mood, etc. And then there is the magic of the Access Body Processes! The Access Body Processes are like nothing else out there…


Bring Your Body with You

Did you know you have a body? Stupid question right? Or is it? How often do we ignore our body completely? Or, if we’re not ignoring it, we’re judging it.