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Are you looking for a Body Facilitator? This is where you find it!
See the list on this page or use the filter function fields to specify what type of facilitator you are looking for. You can both reset your filters and refine your search to find available facilitators near you.
Or use our quicklinks:
Facilitators: {{totalCountFormatted}}
Name | Country | City/State | Certification | Profile | Class | |
{{facilitator.Country}} | {{facilitator.StateName ? facilitator.StateName : facilitator.City}} | {{ !certification.Abbreviation ? certification.Name : certification.Abbreviation}}, | {{facilitator.ScheduledClassCount}} |
I’ve taken the 3-Day Class a couple times and it was mind blowing each time. The space that it created in my body was amazing. The connection was outstanding and the change you can create with your body is so fun.
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