Right Body For You Book Club

Welcome to the Right Body For You Book Club!

Right Body For You was written by Gary Douglas, best-selling author and founder of Access Consciousness®, with major contributions by Donnielle Carter.

This is not your average Book Club. It is an invitation to join a Right Body for You Certified Facilitator who will bring the book to life as they lead a discussion full of tools and processes to use with your body. It’s not just reading the book, it’s inviting you to take action with your body that will change your relationship with it immediately!

What if you could have a simple list of actions that could change almost anything with your body? Would you be willing to have that much ease?


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Uno de los requisitos es tener tu libro de El Cuerpo Correcto Para Ti, y si aun no lo tienes, usa este link 

Compra tu libro aqui

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