Leandra Costa

Leandra Costa

My mission is to  to inspire, teach and connect people to a holistic, uncomplicated and empowered way of living and being in the world.

On my quest for personal development I started to follow different modalities and I came across the Access Bars. 

I also came across this particular ad for an internship with Joy Of Business Specialty I applied for and got in!!✨

I used all the skills I have developed over the years. I am a go-getter and i got to be invited to join the JOB team.

From there I was putting in a lot of projects. I was busy, I learned and developed other skills such as becoming a personal assistant, personal organizer, managing and coordinating projects, facilitators and hosting classes. 

What I offer today it’s a total result of many years of learning, creating, developing, engaging and changing.

I invite you to that, to ask questions, to look at what you would like to create?

Be that with your body, relationships, business and mostly YOURSELF!


WEBSITE: www.leandracosta.com

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What is the Access Facelift?


My Classes

Access Energetický Facelift

Access Energetický Facelift je úžasným nástrojem k omlazení a odstranění známek stárnutí obličeje a celého těla. Tento jemný zklidňující dotyk, aplikovaný v oblasti tváře a dekoltu podporuje obnovu, oživení a omlazení buněk těla.

Access Book Intro - Online

Do you love the Access Consciousness® books? Come play at the hosted book club, join the conversation and create even more change for yourself and others!

Za hranicemi stárnutí - úvodní kurz

Rádi byste vytvořili naprosto jinou realitu se svým tělem a stárnutím? Jaké by to bylo rozpustit soudy, které máte o tom, jak vypadáte?

Access Energetický Facelift Darovaní & Přijímání

Co je to Access Energetický Facelift?
Je to jednoduchý a dynamický praktický proces, který může při odstraňování známek starnutí v obličeji a na těle prohloubit a urychlit přirozené ozdravovací schopnosti těla. Na obličej a dekolt je aplikován jemný a uklidňující dotyk, který pomahá obnovit, oživit a omladit buňky těla.

Stress Relief Introductory Workshop

This workshop will give you a few simple tools as an invitation to the possibility that angst and worry no longer have to exist in your world. Your life is a beautiful gift. Isn’t it time you had space to enjoy it more?