Let me ask you: “If you were truly being you, what would you choose?”
This question opened many doors for me and allowed me to truly create communion with who I am and where I stand in relation to others. Every day, I am filled with gratitude for choosing to create the life I love and presenting myself to the world as much ME as possible!
Early in my career as a dispensing optician, I discovered a transformative power: improving not only my eyesight, but also the way I see the world. On the other hand, I was still wrapped up in this reality, with all these constraints, limitations and social constructs.
Juggling family responsibilities with my husband and four children, extended family, friends, and work, I reacted to the chaos and created systems to manage my daily life. Instead of expanding, I retreated into right and wrong, actions and consequences, norms, and the expectations of others to create what I thought would be a feeling of safety for me.
I noticed that I knew myself more and more as a wife, as a mother, as a friend and less and less as me. Where was I in all this? Who was Julie?
By searching, I learned Reiki, Psycho, kinesiology, Trame, Alchemy, EFT, Reflexology, Chinese medicine, Hypnosis, Child hypnosis, TNC, Cupping, energy sessions, numerology. I connected to my emotions, my feelings, and the more I learned, the more sensitive I became. Crying was a daily occurrence and I seemed to have moved further away, not closer, from myself.
Luckily, this road led me to find Access Consciousness. Starting with Access Bars and Energetic Facelight, to Maestro, SAP and more advanced courses, I'm finally connecting with who I truly BE.
One of the first tools I learned was “Who does this belong to?”. This simple question, integrated into my existence, allowed me to free myself from so much guilt, fatigue, judgment, and to move from a habitual state of judgment towards myself, to truly being me and letting go.
Imagine a world where authenticity is celebrated and everyone's unique gifts are recognized. What if you had the power to shape your reality? If you were truly being you, what would you choose? What if you could recognize the gift that you truly are?
These are not just questions; they are an invitation to think beyond the usual and embrace a life filled with limitless opportunities. Your journey to a more fulfilling life could begin now. What would you choose to create?
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“Je suis le maître de mon destin, je suis le capitaine de mon âme.”
- Nelson MandalaAccess Energetický Facelift je úžasným nástrojem k omlazení a odstranění známek stárnutí obličeje a celého těla. Tento jemný zklidňující dotyk, aplikovaný v oblasti tváře a dekoltu podporuje obnovu, oživení a omlazení buněk těla.
Tento kurz odstraňuje základy omezení, o kterých jste si mysleli, že z nich musíte žít, jako byste neměli jinou volbu! Tento 4 denní intenzivní průzkum toho, co jiného je možné, je facilitován certifikovanými Access Consciousness facilitátory z celého světa. Kurz vytváří povědomí o základech vědomí, které jste ve svém životě dosud nepoužívali.
Access Bars® jsou naprostým základem Access Consciousness. Mohou být začátkem skvělého dobrodružství a může to být něco, co přidáte do svého života a podpoří vás to při tvorbě větší lehkosti se vším. Barsy jsou 32 jedinečnými body na hlavě, které souvisí s různými životními oblastmi a aspekty. Dotkněte se jednoho Barsu a začnete čistit energii, která je v této oblasti nebo aspektu vašeho života uzamčená. Stačí jen dotek.
Tato praktická ochutnávka vedená pokročilými praktiky Symfonie je začátkem vaší cesty do této magie prostřednictvím Symfonie možností (SOP)!
Vítejte na úvodním kurzu založeném na knize a kurzech Dr. Daina Heera Být sám sebou mění svět a na úžasném souboru nástrojů Access Consciousness.
Ty vám mohou poskytnout energetickou zkušenost bytí, kterou nikde jinde nenajdete.