Dr Ashissh Narayankar

Dr Ashish Narayankar

If one has to give an example of a complete infinite Being who has created a life full of Abundance , it would be Dr ASHISSH NARAYANKAR . He always wanted to practise medicine , since childhood , and realized that dream early and fruitfully.  While working in the medical field he realised its various Limitations and began to ponder over curing the incurable facets of traditional medicine . He held a firm belief that "Everything is possible and there is a cure for everything".  With this as a target he set forth on this Journey of discovery almost 2 decades ago.

Travelling all around the world and getting trained under the most well-known Energy healers across the globe, he mastered the art of Energy healing. In his quest , he learnt numerous possible alternative healing modalities that could benefit the masses . His practice grew exponentially through word of mouth referral of satisfied clients . As his practice grew , Dr Ashissh felt an enormous drive to educate the common man about overcoming diseases without the use of manmade medications and lead a disease free life . "Disease is nothing but a physical manifestation of thoughts, feeelings, and emotions. When are you not at EASE , you are creating a Dis-ease." you will hear Dr Ashissh say this !

In 2012 he was introduced to Access Consciousness. The Mantra of Access "All of life comes to me with EASE, Joy, and Glory" was something that moved him profoundly and he realized that this was exactly what he was looking for . For the past 11 years, Dr Ashissh has been a Certified Access Facilitator and facilitating their core classes . According to him it's the  NEED of the day . He firmly believes that across all age groups , from children to adults, everyone should go through these classes to empower themselves with the tools to make their life full of ease and joy .  From reversing auto immune diseases and cancers to easing financial troubles and establishing great relationships , he has seen miracles happen during and following the foundation classes .To him Access is just not a healing modality , its a way of life .  The best part of this approach is that you do not need to necessarily have problems to come into Access . Wherever your life is , using the few simple tools , the quality of your life will be enhanced exponentially !

Dr Ashissh is driven to realize his dream of spreading consciousness and empowering as many people as possible  . He is called "The Magician " by his clients but he believes everyone has the potential for "Magic " in them  . . Access Consciousness gives you the Access to that Magic . Are you ready to experince it ?

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Check the Video where we talk about how Dr Ashissh was cured from his 17 years of suffering and the Magic Access Consciousness created and continues to create in his and his clients lives .


My Classes


Tento kurz odstraňuje základy omezení, o kterých jste si mysleli, že z nich musíte žít, jako byste neměli jinou volbu! Tento 4 denní intenzivní průzkum toho, co jiného je možné, je facilitován certifikovanými Access Consciousness facilitátory z celého světa. Kurz vytváří povědomí o základech vědomí, které jste ve svém životě dosud nepoužívali.

Kurz Access Bars

Access Bars® jsou naprostým základem Access Consciousness. Mohou být začátkem skvělého dobrodružství a může to být něco, co přidáte do svého života a podpoří vás to při tvorbě větší lehkosti se vším. Barsy jsou 32 jedinečnými body na hlavě, které souvisí s různými životními oblastmi a aspekty. Dotkněte se jednoho Barsu a začnete čistit energii, která je v této oblasti nebo aspektu vašeho života uzamčená. Stačí jen dotek.