Zhanna Panich

Zhanna Panich

I was born in Ukraine and have always been passionate about helping others feel their best. I've always felt a strong energy flow through my hands, which friends have lovingly dubbed 'magic' - whether I'm offering a shoulder massage or energy healing. Over a decade ago, I discovered energy healing modalities and practiced it, but it was Access Bars that truly became my calling. 

My friend suggested to try Access Bars. I am so grateful I did. As I got up from the session, I felt a deep calling within me. I knew that this incredible modality had to be a part of my life. Without a second thought, I embarked on a journey to become an Access Bars Practitioner. I attended workshops, honed my skills, and delved deeper into the magical world of Access Bars. The more I practiced, the more I discovered the power it held to transform lives.

With each session, my own consciousness expanded, and I became more attuned to the energies flowing through me. It was not just about helping others; it was a profound journey of self-discovery and growth.

As I witnessed the incredible transformations in my clients, a new desire emerged within me. I wanted to share this knowledge and gift with as many people as possible. I yearned for others to experience the magic of Access Bars. Thus, I decided to take a step further and become an Access Bars Facilitator.

Not all of the classes I facilitate are listed on this site. Please send me an email, and we’ll create magic together!

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Date Event Facilitator Host Location Medium
{{occurrence.StartDate}} - {{occurrence.EndDate}} {{occurrence.ClassTitle}} {{occurrence.Facilitator}}
{{occurrence.City}}, {{occurrence.State}}, {{occurrence.Country}}

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دورة مسارات الوصول للوعي Access Bars

إن مسارات الوصول للوعي Access Bars هي جوهر آكسس كونشيسنس Access Cnosciousness اساسها. لقد قامت بمساعدة آلاف الأشخاص على تغيير العديد من جوانب أجسامهم وحياتهم بما في ذلك النوم والصحة والوزن والمال والجنس والعلاقات والقلق والإجهاد وأكثر من ذلك. يمكنك منح نفسك وعملائك وأصدقائك وأسرتك وزملاء العمل الرعاية واللطف والعناية التي ترغب بها بيسر تام من خلال تعلمك هذه التقنية أو تلقيها.