Wendy Mulder

Wendy Mulder

Is it time to live in a kinder way?

Access Bars® and Access Consciousness® are simple, nurturing tools for you and your body to live with greater ease, less stress, and more joy.

If you are stuck, what contribution can you receive that would generate space, ease and possibility?

If you are stressed, anxious or depressed, will you invite yourself and your body to relax into creating a greater life?

Hi, my name is Wendy, and I would like to invite you to know that whatever has happened in your life, it is possible to have ease with living now and in the future. There is a lightness and joy available to your being and in your world that is just waiting for you to choose.

When you end the judgements of you, what else is truly possible?

When you bring kindness and gratitude into your world, what future becomes possible that wasn’t before?

Will you live a life of celebration that keeps getting better and better?

Is now the time to explore greater kindness, caring and honouring of and for you?

Wendy Mulder is an author, change agent, international speaker, Certified Facilitator of Access Consciousness, Being You Speciality Programs and creator of Living Beyond Grief.

She facilitates world-wide and online. Invite Wendy to your city, or check the calendar for a class near you!



Access Consciousness has some great products (including Wendy's books!) click here

or go to www.kindnesswithgrief.com/shop to explore Wendy's books and products.



Big gratitude to Wendy for the amazing Class facilitation and to everyone contributing to one another in the class, creating the ease in your bodies. It was such a pleasure to be a part of it. Thank you to each and every one of you for choosing. Definitely the best 3Day Body Class I've done.

Linda, Perth

More amazingness and joy today on Day 2 of 3 Day Body Class with Wendy Mulder.  Seriously everyone should do a 3 Day Body Class at least once in their lifetime! The sheer joy, the awareness and transformation is beautiful.
Have you acknowledged your body today for the amazing gift that it truly is on this adventure through life?
Sarah, Queensland

I loved the body class. This was my second body class and both times I feel more connected to my body. I’m grateful for my body and more in communion with my body and it feels amazing. Thank you, Wendy.

Megan, Queensland


Thank you for coming to Mackay and facilitating these 2 classes that have changed my reality. Thank you for the gift of hosting for you, wow!! It was such a gift to meet you, you're truly amazing. I will always remember this moment in time and be so very grateful. I am a different person from day 1 and I absolutely love the lightness, EASE, space, awareness and joy that I now have.  



In the face of anger, or unkindness I used to retreat, check out or fight back. After receiving the Abuse Hold process from Wendy, I find it easier to be with these harsher energies and not get tense or fight. Simple things like remembering to breathe, relax my body and have my say either then or later are now possible. During the session, it felt like decades of built-up resentment were released from my body. I am very grateful to Wendy and highly recommend a session with her.



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“"Each day is a new gift. What if we embraced the choices of joy, new possibilities, and no judgment?"”

- Wendy Mulder
