Jonas Svensson

Jonas Svensson

What if you, following your knowing, would create exactly the futures you are asking for?

Jonas has always had the knowing that there must be a greater possibility in the world. Constantly walking around wondering “What else is possible?” and thinking of “How else can I develop myself?” lead him to all kind of different techniques and modalities. But it wasn’t until Access Consciousness™ came in to his life that everything started to change towards what he was looking for. With the Access tools and techniques everything started to change with speed and ease, with the result of a totally different reality showing up.

From having the right career, nice title, good salary, awesome benefits he chose to give it all up, to follow his knowing of what he wanted to create as his life. “Life must be supposed to be more fun than this…” was the source for just jumping and start to create something else. Constant change towards more fun, more expansion and more consciousness every day has been the reality ever since…

With his background within marketing and sales as category manager, project leader and sales person within different companies, he has developed a broad competence and expertise around creating and generating business.

As a Certified Access Facilitator, Jonas offers Access Consciousness™ core classes, private sessions, tele-classes and workshops in many areas such as money, relationships, conscious leadership and much more.

Jonas Svensson
+46 70-310 15 13

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“What if you being you actually changes things?”

- Jonas Svensson CFMW

My Classes

Different Perspective - Different Relationships

Becoming more aware of how we function in relationships and how we are affected, we can with simple tools create a different reality. With more awareness and insights we will understand how relationships work in general and as well how YOU and Your relationships work.



Money... Money... Money

This is an invitation to a money class that will provide more ease and joy with money. Due to our own experience with money and the amazing tools and techniques from Access Consciousness, we would like to inspire other people to change whatever they would like to change. 


The Window of possibility! - Create with the universe.

When the door isn’t open… is there a crack in the window? Have you ever had this moment where everything just falls in place and everything just seams easy? What if you can have that more often? Is that possible? How can you create that?