Vanita Chudasama

Vanita Chudasama

Hello You Yummy Being

Thank you so much for taking the time out to read my page. How did I get so lucky?

My journey started some 18 years ago, when a simple yet a very profound question came into my head. How can I be calm and peaceful all the time with the crazy lifestyle that I had.  A parent of two young children and working for the Investment Corporate world which was forever demanding.  Hence, my journey of seeking for peace and calm within commenced....


I came across many healing modalities on the way:

Reiki Seichem, Theta Healing, NLP, Egyptian Cartouche, and Sacred Activations,  which don't get me wrong all served me to a certain degree for a period of time, but none got me to where I truly desired to go, that true calm and peaceful state of being and a modality which could answer all my questions and give me results as fast as I desired them.

Then I found Access Consciousness and I have never looked back. I can now honestly say I have finally arrived home with Access.

Any problem I had and continue to come across, can be facilitated by the tools of Access Consciousness: from Money to relationship , body aches to parenting, Children to entities and so much more.

Today, I am a:

Bars Facilitator,  Facelift Facilitator, one day Body Process facilitator,  3 Day Body Facilitator, Certified Facilitator and a Maestro.  

Yaay!!!  Truely what else is possible? 

I also facilitate Symphony of Possibilities (SOP), Abuse hold sessions, Energetic Sythesis of Structual Embodiment (ESSE) sessions, Happy Mouth sessions and Entity clearings in people, objects, homes, schools, venues and more.

SOP and Entity/Demon clearing sessions can be done via skype if you can't come to me

Happy to facilitate a session or a class on a date/location that is more suitable for you.   If this options brings more ease to your world and creates more for you then please do get in touch to arrange.

I cant wait to meet the awesome YOU.

With Ease, Joy, Glory & Magic

Vanita x


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“A journey of empowering people to know what they know”
